Crohn's Disease

October 6, 2009
These pain symptoms started when I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2003. I had 40 plus X-Rays to try to find out where the pain in my side was coming from, and two MRIs to check for separated or broken ribs, nothing there. Then they thought I was getting the pain from a Gallbladder, not functioning properly since I have the pain and spasms on the right front side of my body. So they removed my gall bladder. I still have the same symptoms. Nothing was wrong with the gall bladder after they checked in after removal. January 2003 ~ Diarrhea 10-12 times a day with cramps and bloody stool. June, 2003, I was diagnosed with Crones, they put me on Asacol. I was on this medicine for 2 months with side affects, headache, quit taking. After my first acupuncture treatment with Julie, I feel better in my side, and back pain is down from a 4 to a 1. I feel better as a whole, mind and body. My mind is much more peaceful! My eyes are more comfortable and not as dry. My mind seems sharper, no sweating. Came in clammy and wet, now I feel much cooler and dry. Also, my focus is better then when I came in, hearing is better, and my left ear is not ringing. Finally, my lower back is stronger, and my middle back feels better than it has in 5 years!
September 29, 2009
I have been dealing with high blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, cramps and kidney function the last 20 years. I was just released from the hospital 3 weeks ago with kidney failure and have been told I have Crohn’s Disease…. I have always looked for other ways to health issues over the years and I finally feel I have found a solution! Your treatment has helped me in so many ways, with my energy and clarity of mind. I feel recovery is moving forward fast! Symptoms are less by the day!
Thank you so much
Mark N.
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