Difficult Cases

October 2014
My first visit to see Julie Fu was all but too amazing. I had a work mans comp injury to my right elbow which I could not straighten out my arm. My left elbow was also suffering due to my right arm being so out of commission and being the workhorse for my entire body. I had no idea what acupuncture even was, but my neighbor had seen my right arm in a cast due to inflammation. We got to talking and she told me about Julie Fu.
I had noticed many changes in my very first visit, I was actually happy and I felt good. I was sleeping better, my head was so clear, not in a dense fog like i was living in San Francisco, for what seemed like an eternity. My respiratory was clearer and I was not so tense or anxious. I had more energy than I had have in over 7 years. My whole demeanor had suddenly changed. I was no longer in any pain and I was for the first time really and truly happy with myself and my entire being...which I had given up on.
What Julie did not know about me (and I was so afraid to tell her because I thought she would automatically just show me out the door...saying, "Exit that way please go on get out"...people that know me, know that I am a huge skeptic, never willing to take risks) was that I have been diagnosed with the following:
SLE Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Sleep Apnea, Type 2 Diabetes, Asthma, Allergies up the wazoo...too many to even list, Antiphosphorus Antibodies, Blood conditions, Heart conditions, liver conditions, Chronic Respiratory Infections as well as Yeast and Bladder infections, depression, anxiety and stress beyond belief. When I went to see my Rheumatologist, they said my body was in an alarm state...meaning I was on the brink of and just shy of falling apart and the only thing holding me together was a fine thread. I was a walking train wreck. Every time a doctor told me another illness, I just laughed and said, "Just add it to the list". I wasn't funny and I did not feel like I was living, but barely existing. I felt like I was in a movie, walking with the living dead, literally. Almost had given up hope, that this was how life was meant to be...
Julie Fu has given me back the life I once had and was so scared I would never see or feel again. I have more energy now than I did in my twenties. I am no longer stressed and I have a self confidence about me now that I have not seen in years. I also see a huge change in my daughter because I have changed for the better. I sleep better, my numbers on my diabetic meter are numbers Ii have not seen in over two and a half years, my aches and pains are gone...I mean just gone...
I wake up each morning with such joy in my heart and I feel so great and I want the world to know about Julie Fu. I am now telling all of my friends because I want them to feel as good as I do. This was a huge life changing experience for me.
I see things so much clearer, I sleep better, I have more energy, I feel so much better and I owe is all to Julie Fu. Thank you Julie and if there was a way to put a hug on paper you would feel the warmth and love in my heart. I now can walk with the living and no longer with the dead. Sending Julie hugs everyday. Thank you Julie, you have given me more than hope. You have given me back my life...Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
A true believer in acupuncture and in Julie Fu
September 4, 2013
I came for my first treatment for a condition I was told had no cure (I was told I just had to live with it- No!) I came and saw Julie, and after one session with her I got results. Now I am back for my second visit and I am looking forward to tomorrow and beyond. What can a man say? There is only one thing to say, "Julie, you rock."
Thank you,
Michael T.
(The condition was Raynauds Phenomenon. I had it for 50 years, since I was a small boy. As a child I could not play outside like other kids because my hands and feet would turn white due to a lack of blood flow. Now all of that has changed and I am moving forward with better activities in cold weather. Thank you again Julie, You definitely rock.)
My niece had been dealing with terrible itching all over her body. She had gone to several doctors, including an emergency room visit, but no one seemed to find a cause or a cure. In desperation, my sister-in-law decided to take her daughter to an acupuncturist. She chose Julie and with the first treatment, my niece was cured of the itching. I had been struggling with several health issues and after seeing her recovery; I decided I would go see her too. I had just been diagnosed as having usual interstitial pneumonia, and was also dealing with fibromyalgia. When I came to Julie, I was short of breath, felt pressure on my chest and was dealing with loss of appetite, pain on my side, no energy and constant upset stomach. After three treatments I regained my appetite, had more energy, and the pain on my side went away and I felt better. I am still struggling with shortness of breath but she has helped me and continues to help me so much, even with this issue. I am now also dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Julie has helped me move more freely and eased some of my pain. She has also helped my husband with his sciatic nerve pain, with after just two treatments the pain went away. I highly recommend Julie to anyone that is dealing with health issues that just do not seem to be getting addressed. She has helped many people with many health problems, including me!
March 11, 2009
A visit to Julie gave my husband a new life! He had an involuntary jerk and was unable to walk without a cane. One time with Julie and he was no longer jerking and the cane is gone! The doctors at OHSU and in Eugene had told him he would have to learn to live with the jerk, they could not help him, Julie gave us a Miracle! She also helped him with stomach cramps, imbalance, and his general health has improved making much easier to live with! He had seen many doctors at OHSU and in Eugene. They all said, go home and live with it. Julie has also helped me with a knee problem, fatigue and hypertension, and 6 other family members.
A Happy Wife
October 22, 2009
Julie, two years ago, I came to you after going to several doctors who tried to cure my persistent dry coughing. They tested me for asthma, whooping cough, allergies and acid reflex. I did not have any of these. They sent me for a chest x-ray to see if I had lung cancer, I did not. They resorted to having me take various free drug samples to see if any had any effect. None of them did. After more than 11 months of this, I decided to try acupuncture. After 2 treatments from you, my cough went away. I came to you a skeptic, but I am now a believer! Thank You! I came to you first this time for my cold & cough. I already feel better after 1 treatment. Very relaxed.
Greg H.
September 23, 2009
After one treatment I have gotten relief from Oral Lichen Planus. I have become a believer! Julie is great. They say there is no cure for what I have got, but I think acupuncture is the cure for sure. My energy is better and I am also sleeping better. Thank you Julie!
Judith C.
March 2010
About one and a half years ago, my daughter (sixteen years old) started having numbness and pain in her arms, from her shoulders to her fingertips. Sometimes she would loose feeling all together. As time went on the pain would actually move around to various parts of her body, arms, legs, neck, back, shoulders, etc.etc. At times when she would be hurting, she would actually lose her eyesight for a short period of time and it would always return in a few minutes. She has been through so many tests like: MRI, Cat Scan, Blood Work, Nerve Tests, Ultra Sound and everything always says there is nothing wrong. So they gave her more pills and sent her home to suffer in pain. Final straw is that she was told there was nothing wrong with her, and she should get counseling for her mental problems, because her pain was in her mind, so that led us to Julie. She has been to at least a half dozen doctors: Two Neurologists, one Nerve Specialist, one Naturopath, one OBGYN, three Doctors in Urgent Care, and two Primary Physicians.
Ten doctors all together with no results and within thirty minutes of Julies treatment she felt instantly better. The last doctor we saw was Dr. H. at Urgent Care and he saw her three times and could find nothing to help Kalyn, so he gave us Julies card and thought maybe she could help in ways that he could not. So far with the first visit she says most of the pain is gone, or greatly reduced. Dr. H. says there are some things that medical doctors just cannot figure out, but he said that Julie helped him and that we should give it a try, because something special was going on in her office, but he could not explain what it was; he just knew that it was working.
Before Treatment........................................ After First Treatment
Abdominal Pain Before ---------9.................................... After ------0
Headache Before----------------6.....................................After -------0
Kneck and Shoulders Before---8.....................................After--------0
Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0
Knee Before--------------------7......................................After--------0
Rib Area Pain Before----------5.....................................After--------0
Dizzy Before--------------------Yes .................................After------- No
Nausea Before------------------Yes.................................... After------- No
Chills----------------------------Yes.................................... After------- No
Night Sweats-------------------Yes.................................... After------- No
Difficult Urination------------Yes .................................After------- No
Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No
Ken M., One Happy Dad
March 26, 2010
Came in for second treatment. Here is a list of symptoms before and after the treatment:
Before Treatment........................................ After Second Treatment
Abdominal Pain Before ---------5.................................... After ------0
Headache Before----------------4.....................................After -------0
Kneck and Shoulders Before---0.....................................After--------0
Back and Hips Before----------8.................................... After--------0
Knee Before--------------------0......................................After--------0
Rib Area Pain Before----------0.....................................After--------0
Dizzy Before--------------------No .................................After------- No
Nausea Before------------------No.................................... After------- No
Chills----------------------------No.................................... After------- No
Night Sweats-------------------No.................................... After------- No
Difficult Urination------------No .................................After------- No
Blurry/Dry Eyes Before--------Yes................................... After------- No
The number one thing Kalyn came in for was pain in her stomach and bad headaches. By her second treatment she has almost no pain at all in her stomach or head. Her whole attitude has changed since she has seen Julie, she says she is very happy.
Testimonial from Ken's Daughter Kalyn:
April, 9, 2010
Since the third treatment I have experienced no stomach, shoulder, neck or hip pain. Also no rib pain, no dizziness or nausea and I have had nothing but a few slight headaches. Since my last treatment I have slept better since I began coming to see Julie and I am more relaxed and my concentration is much better and my mind is completely clear from all the pain and stress. All around I am a much happier person.
Thank you Julie!
Kalyn (16 yrs old)
Marty N.’s Story:
1) 5/27/2008
I came in very skeptical at first, as I don’t do needles! I came in with chronic/severe headaches and a pounding pain in C-1-2 region. I was also very depressed and heavy. During my first treatment Julie made me feel comfortable and put me at ease. Afterward ~ I’m pain free and feel so light that I could fly! No heaviness; WOW! Why did I wait so long! I’ve seen 9 doctors in Portland (OHSU), 5 in Tigard, 6 in Coos Bay, 5 in Eugene and one in Springfield! Thank you Julie!!!
2) 6/3/2008
My name is Marty, and I was in a serious car accident on 3/4/04. I was at a complete stop, and I was hit from behind, by a very big rig with a winch bumper. They estimate was that he was going between 60-65 miles per hour. I was leaning forward when I was hit. I have not worked in 4 years now due to intense pain. I have not had a day without a headache. I currently live on 120 mg of methadone a day plus, between, 15-90 mg. Oxycodone per day. A good nights sleep for me, since the accident, has been three hours straight. Then, the pain awakens me! I get up and use both heat and ice, and then I go back to bed and get maybe one to two more hours of sleep. I then can’t take it anymore and have to get up. I also would go to the emergency room every 4-6 weeks for pain shots. I have no longer felt like I was living, only existing! I have no energy, am constantly depressed, and do not feel like I want to go on. I have seen approximately twenty six doctors, all over the state, they have: burned nerves, done faucet and epidural shots, physical therapy, ultra sound treatments, traction, medication which they have tried eighty nine various combinations. Some treatments yielded slight relief only, and strictly temporary. When seeing my neurosurgeon he told me he could do surgery, but there was only a 50% chance I would be better and a 90% chance I could be paralyzed.
I saw Dr. Julie Fu on 5/27/08 and boy what a difference, Wow! I have also suffered from constant headaches since the accident. It has been one week since my first visit and I am still totally pain free, I’m so amazed. I now want to live! There are no adequate words to express my awe and thankfulness for what Julie has done for me. During my initial 1st visit with Julie, I had total pain relief right away. I went home and for the 1st time in 4 and a half years I slept through the night! WOW! ~ Normal sleep has been roughly 1 to 3 hours then I’d be up for 2 to 4 hours putting ice or heat on my neck, then going to sleep for maybe 2 to 3 hours then up again! I have been so tired. That 1st week after Julie’s treatment I was up early every morning ~ out and doing things until late in the day or early evening!! Before I could only concentrate 1 or 2 hours at a time then take a break. This is very frustrating for someone who at 43 yrs old was hyperactive and a go-getter as well as a workaholic and helper of many. To being a captive in my own body, watching life go by and not being able to do anything!!! All the medical doctors said: There is nothing we can do for you, you will just have to suffer and live on pain medications for the next five to ten years and maybe medical technology will come up with something to help you. I am alive again! I am ready to go back to work!!! I am ready to live again!
Julie you are an answer to prayer!
3) 6/11/2009
Julie, you have my permission to use my name and give out my phone number to anyone you would like. You truly are amazing and I am very grateful for what you have done! You have given me hope & you have given me my life back! Twenty-six doctors later and suffering with 8-10 level pain out of my mind, Julie has been a Godsend, A LITERAL MIRACLE WORKER! Let her work wonders on you! I just finished my third visit, I love you Julie! THANK YOU, North Bend, OR
4) 9/15/09
Update: Marty N.
Today is my 1st acupuncture treatment since February 17th, 2009 ~ Going from not being able to work for 4 and a half years ~ eight specialists told me I might never work again. I now have been working full time since August 2008 ~ Julie gave me my life and dignity back. Since February 2009 I have been working 10 to 12 hours per day and for the last 3 months I have been working 16 hours a day ~ Monday through Friday. I have never experienced the kind of pain relief and quality of life without all the pain medications and drugs. I am off all pain medications and prescription drugs for 1 full year and it is all due to Julie! I am back to having a full and wonderful life through the gift I have received through Julie. I believe she is my Angel, heaven sent. I would not be alive today if it were not for her. My primary care physician referred patients to Julie, all the way in Eugene, because of my case.